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Important Data Security Information

We were recently notified by Blackbaud, the National Park Foundation’s constituent management database vendor, that a cybercriminal was able to access non-encrypted information in backup databases that may have contained their clients’ data. The National Park Foundation was one of many organizations impacted.

Blackbaud identified the security breach, and ultimately stopped the attack, preventing a system wide interruption. Fortunately, no data was lost. While Blackbaud’s investigation of the incident is ongoing, at this time there is no indication that any information contained in the database has been disseminated or misused following the security breach. We will continue working with Blackbaud to better understand what occurred, including a determination of the full nature and scope of this incident.

The National Park Foundation values the trust placed in it by our many donors and works hard to earn and keep it. We are closely monitoring the situation with Blackbaud to ensure that any potential risks to your data are mitigated. If we discover that sensitive financial information has been compromised, we will notify the impacted individuals directly.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. Additional information on this incident and Blackbaud’s efforts to mitigate the risk can be found here.