Flight 93 National Memorial

A common field one day, a field of honor forever. We honor the passengers and crew of Flight 93 who perished in a Pennsylvania field on September 11, 2001. Their courageous action will be remembered forever.
September 11, 2001 was one of the darkest days in our nation's recent history, and Flight 93 National Memorial honors some of our strongest heroes.
NPF's Flight 93 National Memorial Campaign raised over $40 million in private support to establish, design, and construct the park. This funded the construction of the park's Memorial Plaza, Wall of Names, 40 Memorial Groves, and Field of Honor. The campaign also supports reforestation efforts in the park, including an annual volunteer tree planting event. Since 2012, more than 4,000 vounteers have planted more than 136,000 native tree seedlings across 197 acres at the park. The Flight 93 National Memorial Campaign also helped establish the Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial, the park's official charitable partner organization that provides ongoing private support to the park.
Shortly after terrorists flew airplanes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York and into the Pentagon in Virginia, the 40 passengers and crew members on United Airlines Flight 93 fought a battle in the sky over Pennsylvania. These 40 heroes voted and decided to fight back, thwarting a planned attack on our nation's capital. They saved the lives of many others, but sacrificed their own in a field just east of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
This was a day our country was shaken to its very foundation when terrorists coordinated hijacking of four commercial airlines in a strategically planned attack against the United States. Despite the destruction and devastation, stories of courage and heroism emerged.
Park Updates
UpdateNPF to Support Youth and Community Fishing Experiences in Parks Across the Country
UpdateNPF Continues Its Support for Flight 93 National Memorial
UpdateEvery Day is Earth Day
UpdateFlight 93: A Lasting Legacy