Latino Heritage Fund
Recognizing and celebrating Latino histories and stories, past and present, in our parks.
Established in 2011, and originally called the American Latino Heritage Fund, the National Park Foundation's (NPF) Latino Heritage Fund preserves, reflects, and engages the diverse stories and communities of Latinos throughout American history and for future generations.
Working in collaboration with the National Park Service (NPS) and other partners, the Latino Heritage Fund preserves and shares stories that commemorate Hispanic heritage in parks and communities across the country. Together, we're providing greater opportunities for park visitors to recognize and celebrate the vital importance of Latino history to American history. Projects supported by this program also aim to connect Latinos to our national parks, including opportunities and careers at NPS.
Program Highlights

The Latino Heritage Fund sponsored the theme study “American Latinos and the Making of the United States” for NPS in 2013. Featuring essays by nationally recognized scholars, the theme study provided a framework for NPS to continue its work with partners and communities to identify, preserve, and interpret buildings, landscapes and other sites that tell stories of Latinos in the U.S.
Program Updates
UpdateLand Acquisition of Historic Schoolhouse to Preserve History of School Segregation in Texas
UpdateCelebrating Latino Culture at Florida’s National Monuments