John DeStefano

Johnny DeStefano is President and Founder of Utility Strategic Advisors, where he helps a diverse set of clients navigate an increasingly complex Washington.
DeStefano most recently served in the Trump Administration, first as Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Personnel (PPO), and later as an Assistant to the President and Counselor to the President. In addition to PPO, as Counselor to the President, DeStefano oversaw the Offices of Intergovernmental Affairs, Public Liaison, and Political Affairs.
Prior to the White House, DeStefano was President and CEO of Data Trust, a right of center voter file and political data company. DeStefano helped grow Data Trust to become the premier data organization on the right, providing the foundational data that powered President Trump’s historic 2016 victory and Republican majorities in both the House and Senate.
In addition, DeStefano served as a Senior Advisor to House Speaker John Boehner, and has had leadership roles at the National Republican Congressional Committee and the House Republican Conference. In 2006, DeStefano managed the campaign of then House Conference Chair Deborah Pryce, re-electing the most vulnerable member of House Republican leadership by 1,062 votes in a Democratic wave election year.
DeStefano resides in Washington, DC with his wife Sarah and twins Jack and Rosie. He serves on the boards of the National Park Foundation and the Fulbright Scholarship Program as an appointee of the President.